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The Eve’ - a movie by Luca Machnich


It is our fantasy that sometimes helps us to skip from our reality, from our daily lives struggle, from miseries. In our fantasies, we always project our unspoken desires that can not be fulfilled due to some reason., this is why our fantasies are always beautiful, pleasant. Luca Machnich’s  “The Eve” is about is about the struggle to escape from reality and lead towards a life which only possible in fantasy.

 “The Eve” in a narration:  Luca Machnich’s  “The Eve” is based on a psychological thriller.  The movie portrays the story of an eight-year-old boy named Simon. Simon is having a life where he is getting everything that is difficult for others to afford. But The life he is leading does not make him feel happier.  Despite having caring parents and all the kinds of stuff around him, he is dragging towards his fantasies.

Make a wish to Santa - The movie moves forward with the scene of Christmas preparations. Christmas is always about joy and festivity but in this movie, we gonna sense that everything is not in the way it should be. Getting obstructed by the materialistic life, Simon decided to make a wish to Santa. His only wish from Santa is to take him to the fairyland toy factory along with him. But whether his wish will be fulfilled or not is the main twist of the movie.

A little family secret –  As the story evolves, it unfolds a secret about the parents of Simon, which was hidden from him for a long time.  A secret that can ruin “The perfect life” of Simon. The way the secrete brewed between his parents makes the story more captivating. The secret creates tension among the characters, will surely tempt the audience to think that what will going to be next.

Time is running – and just before the ending when everything seems congenial and homely, the story took its utmost turn, the tragedy before Christmas knocks on the door. The scene was created with so much perfect suspense where the town clock was ticking the countdown, which led the audience open-mouthed.

Review: Well, from the beginning the movie appears very promising to its genre. It creates thrill and a lot of suspense with its creative storyline. The story revolves around an eight-year rich lad and his fascination for the fairyland toy factory. The story is simple yet has so many twists and turns that viewers will be glued to the story till the end, and according to me, this is the supremacy of the story, which makes the movie stand out. 

Luca Machnich has portrayed a thrilling tale in a short movie that lasts less than twenty minutes. luca Machnich has shown his creativity in every single scene.  The way he metaphorically used the concept of colors to illustrate the depth of the story and characters is showing his unconventional thinking. His direction makes the movie darker and mystifying. Another thing that drags my attention is the animated parts of the movie to express the fantasy of Simon. 

The remarkable storyline gets accompanied by extremely talented actors. I must say, Valerio Santosuosso who played the role of Simon had done a splendid job at such a young age. It is hard for the viewers to take their eyes off him.

Overall this movie is a visual treat for the people who love to watch different cinematography, out-of-the-box direction style, and of course for those who love to watch thriller movies .

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