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No matter how much knowledge we gain, it is never going to be enough to explore the universe. Our universe has consisted of so many anomalous things, we can never say that we are completely prepared to face them. The more we try to discover the infinite universe, the more mysterious it becomes. Kathryn Radmall’s “The Last Earth Station” is a story that describes the relationship between the vast universe and the invincible human intellect and willpower.

Kathryn Radmall, a graduate of The University of the Arts London, has illuminated the concept of space,human intellect, their research, and their contribution to the universe through her screenplay “The Last Earth Station” with her powerful visualization.

Well, we have prepared a bunch of questions for Kathryn Radmall to know more about the story.

1. Hi Kathryn, hope you are doing well. Your story is about space, A topic that turns on the curiosity of every age of people. Please tell us how did the idea of the screenplay come to your mind?

Kathryn - I've always loved mystery stories; in particular, those concerning maritime myths and legends; ghostships and lost treasure. I'm also a long-time fan of science fiction, so combining both interests was a perfect scenario. There's something awe-inspiring about the vastness of our oceans that can easily be applied to Outer Space.

2. How long did it take to prepare the concept for your story?

Kathryn - A few weeks, although I tend to begin writing and make endless notes long-hand at the same time. I researched the legend of The Flying Dutchman – I wanted to play with the idea of a colony ship, doomed to travel the galaxy, unable to 'anchor' anywhere, and created its story. I also wanted to explore the themes of home and family, duty and sacrifice.

3. “The Last Earth Station” – why did you choose such a title for your movie?

Kathryn - 'Black Star' was the flagship of a fleet of Earth Stations, part of an experiment in mass-migration, should our planet's changing climate reach the point of no return. When my story begins, it's been missing for 150 years, and has passed into legend. However, an unexpected sighting on the other side of the galaxy prompts a team of explorers to track it down and attempt to bring it home. Of course, they're fully expecting to find a rusted hulk, occupied by pirates, but instead encounter a well-run vessel, populated, they assume, by the descendants of the original crew.


4. The story has several characters, all the characters are well designed and presented exquisitely. Are those characters inspired by real life? if yes, then do tell us about it?

Kathryn - The characters are all fictional, but I think anyone could empathise with a restless pilot, struggling to keep bad memories at bay; or recognise a technophobe, willing to give up family and friends for the sake of a cause, or a veteran engineer, interested only in a fat paycheck.

5. Sarah, Decker, Sullivan, Kamaka, and so on, your story consists of so many characters among them which character is your favorite?

Kathryn - I think Decker is my favourite. He's charming, enigmatic and obviously a draw for Sarah, but at the same time, his overwhelming sense of duty makes him difficult to reach. He's evolved into someone whose virtues have become flaws. Admirable, but ultimately frustrating.

6. You have a versatile talent for portraying your thoughts in your writing. Please discuss about your previous works too. As a writer, which are your favorite three genres?

Kathryn - I trained in the visual arts, beginning with theatre design and Fine Art, but having a great interest in fashion and textiles, I switched to costume interpretation, working in repertory theatre and television, before discovering screenwriting. In terms of genre, it has to be science fiction. There are no limits to what I can have my characters experience. I love a good rom-com too, especially with holiday-related, though again, I could easily segue into fantasy and time-travel. Dark comedy would be my third choice.

7. When did you start your journey as a writer? Who is your inspiration to become an independent writer?

Kathryn - I've always loved writing stories and started at a very young age. I recall being given a toy typewriter one Christmas so I could copy my Mum. I wanted to be a magazine editor, then a fashion designer, all before the age of ten! Rediscovering creative writing in 2008, and signing up for a screenwriting course was like coming home.

8. Are you looking for any producer or will you be the self- producer for your script?

Kathryn - It's such a tough business to be in, but I have a circle of talented people I would love to bring together, so I would consider either route, depending on the scale of the project.

9. When will viewers expect to watch this story as a movie? Is this will be a theatrical release or will you prefer a streaming platform?

Kathryn - It may be some time before this script becomes a movie, and I confess, there's something about watching a film in a cinema, but streaming platforms are also of interest.


10. What do you want the audience to feel after reading the story of “The Last Earth Station”?

Kathryn - I would hope they feel a variety of emotions. There is action and adventure, mystery and romance, with the central character's selfless act leading to a bittersweet conclusion.

11. We want to end our conversation by asking you about your upcoming projects and when can we see them?

Kathryn - At the moment, I have a romantic comedy, a creature feature, a paranormal suspense story, and a period detective mini-series in the works. I prefer to have several projects on the go at the same time. You never know which one will spark someone's interest.

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